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STL Law Library 法律图书馆: Researching Law Reviews and Law Journals

Researching Law Reviews and Law Journals

This guide offers assistance with finding articles in law reviews and law journals at STL. This guide is also intended for students and scholars who wish to submit articles for publication in law reviews and journals.

“Law journals (also called law reviews) are the scholarly literature of the academic field of law.  They are usually published by law schools and contain scholarly articles written by law professors.  The subjects are often highly detailed and narrow, or address a cutting edge area of the law.  The articles will contain hundreds of footnotes citing primary and secondary source material.  Law journal and law review pieces usually contain a high level of sophisticated analysis, and therefore are often important sources for academic legal writing.”---from Princeton University Library.

Law Journal Indexes



Legaltrac  (Coverage: 1980--)

LegalTrac provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full text.



Index to Legal Periodicals (Coverage: 1981--)

Index to Legal Periodicals contains records of articles from more than 900 journals and more than 1,400 monographs; the total number of records exceeds 500,000. The earliest articles date back to 1981.

Index to Legal Periodicals & Books数据库是法律类专业数据库。该库是已有50余年历史的法律期刊索引数据库,并且现已开始收录全文文献:1141种法律期刊、法学评论、年鉴、法律法规,律师协会、大学、政府机构出版物索引/文摘,最早回溯至1978年; 法学评论超过300种,超越任何其它同类数据库;483种全文出版物,多数经同行评审,最早回溯至1981年,包括新增美国律师协会18种全文期刊;每年新增1400份专著索引. 数据库内容每日进行更新.


Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) (Coverage: 1985--)

The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) is the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 500 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions including the United States, the U.K., Canada, and Australia. IFLP also analyzes the contents of individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften, Mélanges, and congress reports each year. 

IFLP是一个国际法律期刊和评论集的精选学科目录。由美国法律图书馆协会编辑而成,该资源是一个收录了1985年至今,国际上470多种法律出版物当中的文章和书评一个多语言文献目录,深度覆盖了各种国际私法和国际公法、比较法和外国法,以及美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚之外的其他国家的法律。IFLP将内容分为大约80个独立专辑,包括法律评论、Festschriften, Mélanges和国会报告等。


Web of Science / Web of Knowledge


The Web of Science platform connects the Web of Science Core Collection to regional citation indexes, patent data, specialized subject indexes, and an index of research data sets, all in all totaling over 33,000 journals. While focusing on scientific journals, Web of Science does include journals in the social sciences and law.

一个基于 Web的检索平台,以 Web of Science 为核心,整合了学术期刊(ISI Web of Science, Current Contents Connect)、发明专利 (Derwent Innovations Index)、会议录文献 (ISI Proceedings)、化学反应 (Current Chemical Reactions, Index Chemicus)、学术专著 (Current Contents Connect)、 研究基金 (ISI eSearch) Internet 免费资源 (External Collections)、学术分析与评价工具 (Journal Citation Reports)、学术社区 (ISI及其它信息结构出品的重要学术信息资源 (BIOSIS Previews),提供了自然科学、工程技术、生物医学、社会科学、艺术与人文等多个领域的学术信息。

Listings of Law Reviews and Law Journals


The following website resources provide current listings of law reviews and law journals:


Findlaw—Publications for law students

Journals Temporarily Not Accepting Submissions

Law Journals from Washburn School of Law

The following databases also contain law full-text journals and articles:


Westlaw – law reviews and journals database

This database contains more than 600 law reviews and journals, providing incisive, authoritative, and professional insight. Coverage begins with the early 1980s for top law reviews, such as the Harvard Law Review.


Lexis Advance – law reviews and journals database

Lexis Advance is an online legal research system that offers extensive coverage of U.S. legal materials, including cases, statutes, administrative materials, treatises, law review articles (most back to 1980’s), practice materials, and other information.


Hein Online – Law Journal Library

It contains full text access to over 700 law journals, with most of these available through the current issue or volume and all available back to inception. The collection homepage for the Law Journal Library displays an A to Z title index, where the title and coverage information for all titles can be found.



SSRN is an open-access online preprint community providing valuable services to leading academic schools and government institutions. Specializing primarily in social sciences, including economics, law, corporate governance, and humanities, SSRN is branching out in to other science disciplines providing opportunities for scholars to post their early research, collaborate on theories and discoveries, and get credit for their ideas before peer reviewed publication.



Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004, the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and other scholarly literature, including court opinions and patents.

Library Catalogs


University Town Library of Shenzhen


WorldCat (may need VPN to use)


WorldCat is a union catalog of thousands of libraries around the world.  It is probably the most comprehensive library catalog in the world.



Law Library of Congress


The Library of Congress located in Washington, DC is one of the largest libraries in the world and its catalog contains millions of records of books and journals.