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STL Law Library 法律图书馆: Top Picks for eBooks

Want some help choosing library ebooks? Let the library staff do this for you. The STL librarians have picked some great ebooks that are listed in this gallery by subject. There are 18 subjects from 9 databases, including the Chinese database Youzhang(有章). You can read the books by simply clicking the titles (in blue) under the pictures, but the VPN is required if you are off campus. If you would like to search other ebooks on a certain database, scroll down to the bottom for the box "eBook Database Providers" and click the relevant picture to reach the database website. Let's start the ebook journey!

1. Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

2. Antitrust Law, Banking Law, Financial Issues

3. Patent Law, Copyright Law & Trademark Law

4. Entertainment Law & Litigation

5. Chinese Law, History of China

6. Common Law

7. Contracts

8. Debates, Advocacy

9. International Law, Treaties, and Related Legal Topics

10. Laws and History of the World

11. Tax Law

12. Practice of Law

13. Insurance Law

14. Law books in Chinese from Youzhang(有章)

15. Law General, Law and Legislation

16. Legal Education

17. Computer& Internet Law

18. Constitutional Law

eBook Database Providers