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STL Law Library 法律图书馆: Printing, Scanning and Photocopying

Copy-Scan-Print Policy

The Copy-Scan-Print resource duplication service provided by the STL Law Library are made available to the STL community as a common good service. While the library supports the technical components of the system, the patron assumes all liability associated with the use of duplicated materials follow the relevant copyright regulations and copyright laws of the People's Republic of China. While the library makes all efforts to provide the service as inexpensively as possible, in some cases (e.g.printing), use fees are required to mitigate operating expense. 

In addition, the Copy-Scan-Print services is for non-commercial use.The Copy-Scan-Print services supported by the STL Law Library to facilitate the research and teaching mission of the STL. Commercial users bear the responsibility of any legal implications of their use of duplicated material.